Friday, December 11, 2009

From Holly

I'm not sure if I'm doing this right...I met Dariusz about 2 years ago when he did a house blessing for me. I had no idea what a "shamanic practitioner" was, but I knew instantly after meeting him that that's what I was supposed to be doing. About 1 year later, after continuously seeing Dariusz my husband passed away. Feels kind of ironic grieving someone who taught you how to grieve, but I am so thankful for the tools that he gave me. He told me, "What happened was the only possible thing in the Universe that could have possible happened."...and "When we cry over losing someone we love that has died, we are only crying for ourselves...For they are in a much better place." I know that Dariusz is in a much better place :) When it came to me being one of his students, I literally had to BEG him. At first he told me "you are not ready". I sent him numerous emails telling him I FELT like this is what I was supposed to be doing, and Dariusz (being as blunt as he could be) continuously told me NO! lol... THEN, one day I got a phone call. It was Dariusz, and he was calling to me that Spirit has been bothering the heck out of him to LET ME TAKE THE CLASS! I have loved Dariusz to death, and thank him for ALL that he has taught me. I know that we must continue to do good work, even through our sadness. I know that he would be proud seeing how much we have come together. I would love to hear about a service for him, and Kaya... I have a funny story for you. Your dad often talked to me about you because I am 24 years old, and I had my first child at 19, which I believe is when your mom was pregnant with you... Whenever you feel up to it, please email me at He loved you sooooo much! All of my love and best wishes, Holly