Stacey and Holly, thanks for sharing your thoughts, and Stacey, thanks for making this blog.
I saw Dariusz in 2006. I had only one reading with Dariusz, but that one hour affected my path profoundly. Within a few minutes Dariusz brought the focus of our time to a struggle I've had for many years, namely, what is it that I am to do with my time here on earth. I am a creative who has buried himself with consummately uncreative jobs. Dariusz helped me to understand that I do possess the courage to follow the path of the heart. He helped me to understand that I create my own story, and live it. Because of Dariusz and his teachings, I moved to Los Angeles to continue my education in screenwriting. He told me Spirt wanted me to understand that my messages are of particular value to young people. I just wanted to share my immense gratitude to him for helping me so profoundly. Dariusz, you are missed and loved.
I am interested in creating a small documentary film about Dariusz and would love your help and input. If anyone has thoughts or comments, please send me an email.