Sweet Teacher, Dariusz,
How I will never forget the integrity that you embodied, the wisdom you held so reverent, and the joy emanating from your heart into all your endeavors. One of my favorite teachings from the Falcon Circle Class was about having a full, strong, clear, and open heart. You helped me to understand the essential tool of self protection during Spirit work and I am so grateful. I will also never forget the Dog Warrior teaching and this too is one that I find myself using often. How blessed to have known you in your most recent physical form and lifetime. I will forever be grateful. And you will be missed dearly by so many, but also your life held in celebration and your teachings will forever transmit into the world through your students. We love you. I love you. Carry on in Peace and Love. Below is a poem that I want to share, one that was written for my father when he passed on. I shared a copy with Kaya, whom I send boundless love and compassion to at this time. She too emanates with the wisdom of her father, it was quite amazing to see. Aho.
I would imagine that
death must be like giving birth to oneself,
a divinely elegant delivery of
form into formlessness,
golden embers of the
sun warming your
surrender into this new Light,
emerging with grace
into the soft sigh of veneration,
a delicate renewal of stream into ocean
whose channels encircle
the source of compassion
in a boundless opening.
I would imagine that
death must be like giving birth to oneself,
waking to the illuminate
knowledge of instantaneous flight,
effortlessly able to articulate the
sacred verse of wings
interwoven with ephemeral devotion,
awakened to sanctified astonishment
of the caterpillar as it remembers itself a butterfly,
ascending in rejoice and proclamation
of the unfettered truth of Love,
hovering in heaven as a hummingbird
painting colors upon infinity.
I would imagine that
death must be like giving birth to oneself,
equally ageless in reverence and ancestry,
bearing the quality of simultaneous insight,
as when moonlight splinters water
into a scroll of sparkling wisdom,
this re-birth an angelic demonstration of
body becoming phoenix, becoming earth, becoming Love,
heart becoming ruby, becoming mirror, becoming Love,
self becoming memory, becoming dream, becoming Love, becoming Love,
becoming Love.