May You Rise
For Dariusz Rawa
by David Massengill
Your November deepens,
spiders’ webs recede,
and bear grows
into something scary.
We wait for you to wake.
You travel, though,
above blue December’s
snow-laden slopes,
past sharp peaks.
We wait for you to wake.
Free from time,
you visit moon,
white like bone
or mother’s milk.
We wait for you to wake.
A Polish spring,
we want again.
You in bloom
and forever castles.
We wait for you to wake.
A healer fallen
is an avalanche,
all foundation gone,
ice replacing life.
Yet you point
to owls’ nests,
soft feathers intact,
and tell us:
You wait for me to wake
because you are the ones who sleep.
Monday, December 21, 2009
from Victor, via Sally
This email is from Victor of the Tsimshian Nation. Victor is an elder and the artist who created Dariusz's soul catcher, which Dariusz used during soul retrievals.
Brothers and Sisters,
This is Whe La Ha, AKA Victor of the Tsimshian Nation. Amoxin - Listen -Gwiden - howl ya - here is what I have to say-
I give thanks for the life of Dariusz who now walks in the night land with his kin. May Dariusz's spirit be at one with the Universe. May our hearts heal from the loss of such a big spirit who devoted himself to helping others. Dariusz held a vision for healing and unity in the world and he spent his time on Mother Earth to create a circle where people could come and transform their energy and begin a new journey here on earth!! They say we all have this potential but few dare to walk this path.
Dariusz has transformed into spirit. Remember the only thing separating ourselves from our spirits is our bodies. We CANnot fall out of the Universe when we die! I was honoured to create a soul catcher for Dariusz so he could cleanse the wounds of loneliness, pain and loss for people. I know the soul catcher walked with a good spirit. Art and creativity are gifts from the creator so we can transform and Dariusz lived this creed. From the very bottom of my being I extend my deepest sympathies to those of you who were close to Dariusz. Loss is very painful.
Dariusz appeared to my wife Wapse Panashi Equay and I the day before his passing. We both came across things in our household that reminded us of Dariusz. My wife says she felt like she had a visit and feast with Dariusz the day before he journeyed and I too, had a clear image of him enter into my consciousness. We both wondered "why" we had these thoughts but went on with our day. The next day we heard about Dariusz passing. To us, this is proof of our spiritual powers as humans. We didn't realize at the time but Dariusz was paying us a visit.
So to you, his people, pay attention to unusual sounds. Let yourself sit and remember if the thoughts come. This is Dariusz's spirit reaching out to you and it is all perfectly natural.They say the spirit stays close for 13 moons after a person journeys to the other shore. In our tradition we feast a year after the passing to finally let go. My wife's people say the stars are the campfires of our ancestors. Go now Dariusz. Light your fire in the sky.
May the moon shine on thee in thy solitary walk and may the misty mountain winds be free to blow against thee!!
T’oyaxsut ‘nÜÜn(thank-you) I have spoken. Whe La Ha (Big Sky)
Brothers and Sisters,
This is Whe La Ha, AKA Victor of the Tsimshian Nation. Amoxin - Listen -Gwiden - howl ya - here is what I have to say-
I give thanks for the life of Dariusz who now walks in the night land with his kin. May Dariusz's spirit be at one with the Universe. May our hearts heal from the loss of such a big spirit who devoted himself to helping others. Dariusz held a vision for healing and unity in the world and he spent his time on Mother Earth to create a circle where people could come and transform their energy and begin a new journey here on earth!! They say we all have this potential but few dare to walk this path.
Dariusz has transformed into spirit. Remember the only thing separating ourselves from our spirits is our bodies. We CANnot fall out of the Universe when we die! I was honoured to create a soul catcher for Dariusz so he could cleanse the wounds of loneliness, pain and loss for people. I know the soul catcher walked with a good spirit. Art and creativity are gifts from the creator so we can transform and Dariusz lived this creed. From the very bottom of my being I extend my deepest sympathies to those of you who were close to Dariusz. Loss is very painful.
Dariusz appeared to my wife Wapse Panashi Equay and I the day before his passing. We both came across things in our household that reminded us of Dariusz. My wife says she felt like she had a visit and feast with Dariusz the day before he journeyed and I too, had a clear image of him enter into my consciousness. We both wondered "why" we had these thoughts but went on with our day. The next day we heard about Dariusz passing. To us, this is proof of our spiritual powers as humans. We didn't realize at the time but Dariusz was paying us a visit.
So to you, his people, pay attention to unusual sounds. Let yourself sit and remember if the thoughts come. This is Dariusz's spirit reaching out to you and it is all perfectly natural.They say the spirit stays close for 13 moons after a person journeys to the other shore. In our tradition we feast a year after the passing to finally let go. My wife's people say the stars are the campfires of our ancestors. Go now Dariusz. Light your fire in the sky.
May the moon shine on thee in thy solitary walk and may the misty mountain winds be free to blow against thee!!
T’oyaxsut ‘nÜÜn(thank-you) I have spoken. Whe La Ha (Big Sky)
from Jessica and Evan
Hello – Dariusz married my husband Evan I on October 15, 2007. Funny story actually. When I had first asked him to marry us he refused and said he doesn’t do that. I said ok and let it rest trying not to take it personally. My fiancé and I at the time tried to find someone else but we of course did not want anyone else. We both kept saying that he is the only person in our lives that would work. I asked several more times over a few months and he got a little more irritated with me each time because I was guilting him into it by telling him we don’t have anyone to marry us. After the 3rd or 4th time he said he would pray about it. I asked him again several weeks later and he said he didn’t have an answer yet. Long story short he finally agreed and what cracked me up was what he said to my husband “Evan – I will marry you and Jessica under one condition….you have to get those eyebrows under control.” My husband has Frida Khalo eyebrows to the extreme. Anyways, I am very grateful he agreed to marry us in the end because still to this day we both said that none could have done it better. He also helped me with house blessings and soul retrievals that have helped me through some pretty rough roads. Thank you Dariusz…u will be missed.
Jessica & Evan
P.S. I guess Evan and I were the only couple that Dariusz ever married which makes it just that much more special.
from Kelly
Sweet Teacher, Dariusz,
How I will never forget the integrity that you embodied, the wisdom you held so reverent, and the joy emanating from your heart into all your endeavors. One of my favorite teachings from the Falcon Circle Class was about having a full, strong, clear, and open heart. You helped me to understand the essential tool of self protection during Spirit work and I am so grateful. I will also never forget the Dog Warrior teaching and this too is one that I find myself using often. How blessed to have known you in your most recent physical form and lifetime. I will forever be grateful. And you will be missed dearly by so many, but also your life held in celebration and your teachings will forever transmit into the world through your students. We love you. I love you. Carry on in Peace and Love. Below is a poem that I want to share, one that was written for my father when he passed on. I shared a copy with Kaya, whom I send boundless love and compassion to at this time. She too emanates with the wisdom of her father, it was quite amazing to see. Aho.
I would imagine that
death must be like giving birth to oneself,
a divinely elegant delivery of
form into formlessness,
golden embers of the
sun warming your
surrender into this new Light,
emerging with grace
into the soft sigh of veneration,
a delicate renewal of stream into ocean
whose channels encircle
the source of compassion
in a boundless opening.
I would imagine that
death must be like giving birth to oneself,
waking to the illuminate
knowledge of instantaneous flight,
effortlessly able to articulate the
sacred verse of wings
interwoven with ephemeral devotion,
awakened to sanctified astonishment
of the caterpillar as it remembers itself a butterfly,
ascending in rejoice and proclamation
of the unfettered truth of Love,
hovering in heaven as a hummingbird
painting colors upon infinity.
I would imagine that
death must be like giving birth to oneself,
equally ageless in reverence and ancestry,
bearing the quality of simultaneous insight,
as when moonlight splinters water
into a scroll of sparkling wisdom,
this re-birth an angelic demonstration of
body becoming phoenix, becoming earth, becoming Love,
heart becoming ruby, becoming mirror, becoming Love,
self becoming memory, becoming dream, becoming Love, becoming Love,
becoming Love.
How I will never forget the integrity that you embodied, the wisdom you held so reverent, and the joy emanating from your heart into all your endeavors. One of my favorite teachings from the Falcon Circle Class was about having a full, strong, clear, and open heart. You helped me to understand the essential tool of self protection during Spirit work and I am so grateful. I will also never forget the Dog Warrior teaching and this too is one that I find myself using often. How blessed to have known you in your most recent physical form and lifetime. I will forever be grateful. And you will be missed dearly by so many, but also your life held in celebration and your teachings will forever transmit into the world through your students. We love you. I love you. Carry on in Peace and Love. Below is a poem that I want to share, one that was written for my father when he passed on. I shared a copy with Kaya, whom I send boundless love and compassion to at this time. She too emanates with the wisdom of her father, it was quite amazing to see. Aho.
I would imagine that
death must be like giving birth to oneself,
a divinely elegant delivery of
form into formlessness,
golden embers of the
sun warming your
surrender into this new Light,
emerging with grace
into the soft sigh of veneration,
a delicate renewal of stream into ocean
whose channels encircle
the source of compassion
in a boundless opening.
I would imagine that
death must be like giving birth to oneself,
waking to the illuminate
knowledge of instantaneous flight,
effortlessly able to articulate the
sacred verse of wings
interwoven with ephemeral devotion,
awakened to sanctified astonishment
of the caterpillar as it remembers itself a butterfly,
ascending in rejoice and proclamation
of the unfettered truth of Love,
hovering in heaven as a hummingbird
painting colors upon infinity.
I would imagine that
death must be like giving birth to oneself,
equally ageless in reverence and ancestry,
bearing the quality of simultaneous insight,
as when moonlight splinters water
into a scroll of sparkling wisdom,
this re-birth an angelic demonstration of
body becoming phoenix, becoming earth, becoming Love,
heart becoming ruby, becoming mirror, becoming Love,
self becoming memory, becoming dream, becoming Love, becoming Love,
becoming Love.
From Lucia
dariusz ~
aloha `oe, until we meet again.
~lucia kealiipoohinaoleau
"he dances the moon with power and grace
amidst the hills and trees, in his sacred space
a dancer moving swiftly between the realms
there in the leaves ... what do you see?
if your honor the old ways ~ it may be he"
aloha `oe, until we meet again.
~lucia kealiipoohinaoleau
"he dances the moon with power and grace
amidst the hills and trees, in his sacred space
a dancer moving swiftly between the realms
there in the leaves ... what do you see?
if your honor the old ways ~ it may be he"
Sunday, December 20, 2009
from Gina
Dariusz has assisted me so much on my journey this lifetime. All that he spoke to me has come to pass...I am honored to have sat in his presence on several occasions. His readings / healings always uplifted me. I was infinitely honored to assist him during a soul retrieval. He lives me and my experiences with him. I'd give up much to be able to be in Seattle today (am in Florida) to attend his memorial, but I'll keep talking to him as I have since I first learned of his death.
I love you, Dariusz.
I love you, Dariusz.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
from Nicole
I met Dariusz many years ago in Seattle and have had the honor to enjoy his gifts ever since. I am deeply saddened by the loss of this beautiful soul - spiritual counselor, teacher and friend. I trust that he is in a good place now and that he continues to do his amazing work from wherever he is. His laughter will forever echo in my mind. Jestes bardzo zudowne, Dariusz. Caluski, Nicole.
-- "It is only with one's heart that one can see clearly. What is essential is invisible to the eye." (The Little Prince)
-- "It is only with one's heart that one can see clearly. What is essential is invisible to the eye." (The Little Prince)
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
from Maureen
I am so disheartened by the news of Dariusz. I have only known him for a short period of time and met with him on several occasions. He is a man of many talents and gifts, so full of love and compassion. He was an inspiration to me and helped guide me when I didn't know where else to turn. I am forever grateful for his guidance and we all will suffer from this loss. My heart goes to his family and friends.
from Chad
Thanks for putting up this memorial website, Stacey. I got the news yesterday and am still pretty shocked. Dariusz was a significant and good friend, my best neighbor ever, and a great laugh therapist. My heart goes out most right now to his daughter, whom I met once many years ago. Dariusz loved and admired her and lit up when he talked about her, which was practically every time I saw him. I know she was his single biggest inspiration.
Cats in need of a home! (from Jeremy)
Dariusz has two cats with special dietary needs that are in search of a new home. If you are interested in more information please contact Shokpe at 206-661-3948. Thank you.
Monday, December 14, 2009
from Cari
After my mom passed away, it opened my eyes to realizing that there is way more out there than I will ever know. You see, if my mom had not passed away this year, I would have never met Dariusz. My hairdresser was telling me about this guy whom she never met, named Dariusz whom her friend spoke very highly of. I was looking for some guidance, and hoping that I could communicate with my mom again. I was somewhat skeptical, but I figured I didn’t have anything to loose. So I book a reading with him, and the first thing he said when I sat down was, “Where is your mom”. Needless to say, I threw any skepticism that I had, out the door. He gave me the guidance I was so desperately needing, and he told me that grief, take as long as it takes. To help me get through it, he recommended reading “The Tibetan book of living and dying”.
Through that reading I learned that I needed healing. He suggested that I would benefit from a soul retrieval. After the soul retrieval, he said, for someone like me, this will change my life, and it certainly did! Having the soul retrieval from such a kind, caring, compassionate man, made it the most beautiful experience of my life. The way he described what went on in his journey in searching for my soul parts, was just so precious. I wanted my friends and family to know how amazing and special this experience was to me, so I wrote it all down to share with them. I played my tape for who ever wanted to listen. I wanted people to know, how this beautiful man Dariusz, changed my life forever.
Ever since then, I felt an undeniable connection with him. I was so excited to start taking first year circle with him. Though these experiences I got to know him quickly. When we were talking about how long we have known each other, I reminded him that we had only met this year. He said, “It seems like we have known each other for much longer than that?” I told him I felt the same way.
He told me that spirit was telling him to teach our 1st year circle all these advanced teachings. I felt so luck to have been able to spend some one on one time with him on the car ride up to Tacoma, for our fellow classmates house blessing. I expressed how eager I was to learn his teachings, and he told me to stick with it, and not to give up on following through with all of the Shamanic classes. He told me that I was going to help a lot of people. I will never forget his words of encouragement. What an amazing teacher.
I felt so blessed to be in the presence of such a wonderful, beautiful, kind, caring person. One day in class he told us that he loved us, you could feel that it came from the heart. The love emanating from him filled up our bodies with pure, warm, comforting light. It was a wonderful feeling. He was such a bright light in my life, and so many people’s lives. I feel so honored to have known him. He is an amazing man.
Kaya, I feel so lucky to have met you. You remind me a lot of your father. So sweet kind and caring, and you tell it like it is, just like your dad! When your dad talked about you, you could tell that he loved you with all his heart. He told us about your gifts and your dreams. What a wonder father to have. He touched so many people’s lives.
On that ride home in the car after the house blessing, we were listening to Pearl Jam’s new CD. He started singing along with a song called, “Just Breath.” He sang, “aw huh…” and dragged it out a little, and he said, “It sounds like Counting Crows”. In the last couple of weeks I have heard that song on the radio many times, usually right when I turn on the radio, and always from the beginning of the song. I started to really listen to the lyrics, and I realized that this song was a sign, a gift from him, telling us that we will all meet him again on the other side.
To my true and beautiful friend, and mentor. I love you, and I miss you. I know you will be doing amazing work over there, and I know you will still be in our lives. Thank you for coming in our dreams and our hearts. You have touched my life and my heart forever. I will never forget you. I can’t wait until we see you again! Aho!
Here are some of the lyrics from the song “Just Breathe”, that I believe is a message to us all:
Verse 1:
Yes I understand that every life must end, aw huh...
As we sit alone, I know someday we must go, aw huh...
I'm a lucky man to count on both hands
The ones I love...
Some folks just have one
Others they got none, aw huh...
Chorus 1:
Stay with me
Let's just breathe
Nothing you would take
Everything you gave
Hold me 'till I die
Meet you on the other side
p.s. I know that Dariusz mentioned that he had a video that he was working on that just needed some final editing or something to that effect. That would be so cool if someone could complete that process, so that we could all see it. That would be amazing. I would love to help out in any way I can. Thank you.
Through that reading I learned that I needed healing. He suggested that I would benefit from a soul retrieval. After the soul retrieval, he said, for someone like me, this will change my life, and it certainly did! Having the soul retrieval from such a kind, caring, compassionate man, made it the most beautiful experience of my life. The way he described what went on in his journey in searching for my soul parts, was just so precious. I wanted my friends and family to know how amazing and special this experience was to me, so I wrote it all down to share with them. I played my tape for who ever wanted to listen. I wanted people to know, how this beautiful man Dariusz, changed my life forever.
Ever since then, I felt an undeniable connection with him. I was so excited to start taking first year circle with him. Though these experiences I got to know him quickly. When we were talking about how long we have known each other, I reminded him that we had only met this year. He said, “It seems like we have known each other for much longer than that?” I told him I felt the same way.
He told me that spirit was telling him to teach our 1st year circle all these advanced teachings. I felt so luck to have been able to spend some one on one time with him on the car ride up to Tacoma, for our fellow classmates house blessing. I expressed how eager I was to learn his teachings, and he told me to stick with it, and not to give up on following through with all of the Shamanic classes. He told me that I was going to help a lot of people. I will never forget his words of encouragement. What an amazing teacher.
I felt so blessed to be in the presence of such a wonderful, beautiful, kind, caring person. One day in class he told us that he loved us, you could feel that it came from the heart. The love emanating from him filled up our bodies with pure, warm, comforting light. It was a wonderful feeling. He was such a bright light in my life, and so many people’s lives. I feel so honored to have known him. He is an amazing man.
Kaya, I feel so lucky to have met you. You remind me a lot of your father. So sweet kind and caring, and you tell it like it is, just like your dad! When your dad talked about you, you could tell that he loved you with all his heart. He told us about your gifts and your dreams. What a wonder father to have. He touched so many people’s lives.
On that ride home in the car after the house blessing, we were listening to Pearl Jam’s new CD. He started singing along with a song called, “Just Breath.” He sang, “aw huh…” and dragged it out a little, and he said, “It sounds like Counting Crows”. In the last couple of weeks I have heard that song on the radio many times, usually right when I turn on the radio, and always from the beginning of the song. I started to really listen to the lyrics, and I realized that this song was a sign, a gift from him, telling us that we will all meet him again on the other side.
To my true and beautiful friend, and mentor. I love you, and I miss you. I know you will be doing amazing work over there, and I know you will still be in our lives. Thank you for coming in our dreams and our hearts. You have touched my life and my heart forever. I will never forget you. I can’t wait until we see you again! Aho!
Here are some of the lyrics from the song “Just Breathe”, that I believe is a message to us all:
Verse 1:
Yes I understand that every life must end, aw huh...
As we sit alone, I know someday we must go, aw huh...
I'm a lucky man to count on both hands
The ones I love...
Some folks just have one
Others they got none, aw huh...
Chorus 1:
Stay with me
Let's just breathe
Nothing you would take
Everything you gave
Hold me 'till I die
Meet you on the other side
p.s. I know that Dariusz mentioned that he had a video that he was working on that just needed some final editing or something to that effect. That would be so cool if someone could complete that process, so that we could all see it. That would be amazing. I would love to help out in any way I can. Thank you.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
From Anthony
Stacey and Holly, thanks for sharing your thoughts, and Stacey, thanks for making this blog.
I saw Dariusz in 2006. I had only one reading with Dariusz, but that one hour affected my path profoundly. Within a few minutes Dariusz brought the focus of our time to a struggle I've had for many years, namely, what is it that I am to do with my time here on earth. I am a creative who has buried himself with consummately uncreative jobs. Dariusz helped me to understand that I do possess the courage to follow the path of the heart. He helped me to understand that I create my own story, and live it. Because of Dariusz and his teachings, I moved to Los Angeles to continue my education in screenwriting. He told me Spirt wanted me to understand that my messages are of particular value to young people. I just wanted to share my immense gratitude to him for helping me so profoundly. Dariusz, you are missed and loved.
I am interested in creating a small documentary film about Dariusz and would love your help and input. If anyone has thoughts or comments, please send me an email.
I saw Dariusz in 2006. I had only one reading with Dariusz, but that one hour affected my path profoundly. Within a few minutes Dariusz brought the focus of our time to a struggle I've had for many years, namely, what is it that I am to do with my time here on earth. I am a creative who has buried himself with consummately uncreative jobs. Dariusz helped me to understand that I do possess the courage to follow the path of the heart. He helped me to understand that I create my own story, and live it. Because of Dariusz and his teachings, I moved to Los Angeles to continue my education in screenwriting. He told me Spirt wanted me to understand that my messages are of particular value to young people. I just wanted to share my immense gratitude to him for helping me so profoundly. Dariusz, you are missed and loved.
I am interested in creating a small documentary film about Dariusz and would love your help and input. If anyone has thoughts or comments, please send me an email.
Friday, December 11, 2009
From Holly
I'm not sure if I'm doing this right...I met Dariusz about 2 years ago when he did a house blessing for me. I had no idea what a "shamanic practitioner" was, but I knew instantly after meeting him that that's what I was supposed to be doing. About 1 year later, after continuously seeing Dariusz my husband passed away. Feels kind of ironic grieving someone who taught you how to grieve, but I am so thankful for the tools that he gave me. He told me, "What happened was the only possible thing in the Universe that could have possible happened."...and "When we cry over losing someone we love that has died, we are only crying for ourselves...For they are in a much better place." I know that Dariusz is in a much better place :) When it came to me being one of his students, I literally had to BEG him. At first he told me "you are not ready". I sent him numerous emails telling him I FELT like this is what I was supposed to be doing, and Dariusz (being as blunt as he could be) continuously told me NO! lol... THEN, one day I got a phone call. It was Dariusz, and he was calling to me that Spirit has been bothering the heck out of him to LET ME TAKE THE CLASS! I have loved Dariusz to death, and thank him for ALL that he has taught me. I know that we must continue to do good work, even through our sadness. I know that he would be proud seeing how much we have come together. I would love to hear about a service for him, and Kaya... I have a funny story for you. Your dad often talked to me about you because I am 24 years old, and I had my first child at 19, which I believe is when your mom was pregnant with you... Whenever you feel up to it, please email me at He loved you sooooo much! All of my love and best wishes, Holly
From Stacey
Hello, all,
I just got the news today of Dariusz' passing. I am so shocked and saddened, as I know you all are too. I thought I would start this blog so we can share information, stories, etc. It will be easier and more connecting than sending lots of separate emails back and forth. Please feel free to post here about how you knew Dariusz, the impact he had on your life, as well as any information you might have about gatherings in his honor over the next couple of weeks. It helps to be together at times like this.
I heard about Dariusz through a friend who had gone to see him for a reading. The first time I saw him I was nervous, thinking what was I doing going to a strange man's apartment in downtown Seattle with very little information about who he was or how safe I would be? I actually told a friend at my workplace where I was going, in case I didn't return... Immediately, Dariusz put me at ease. He was so funny, down to earth, and irreverent. I have seen him so many times over the years--for readings (both alone and with my partner), soul retrievals (mine and others') and classes. He has been impactful with regard to some of the biggest decisions in my life--relationships, work, professional projects, family relationships.
One of my favorite things was when he would laugh at the spirit guides who were talking to him from beside me or over my head--or when he would "shoosh" them, telling them to be quiet until he was done explaining something to me. Also his humor and candidness were completely disarming. I had a good laugh and a good blush during many readings.
Please join me in remembering Dariusz. This is such a huge loss to the community of friends, colleagues, healers, clients, family and chosen family who have had the honor of knowing him.
I just got the news today of Dariusz' passing. I am so shocked and saddened, as I know you all are too. I thought I would start this blog so we can share information, stories, etc. It will be easier and more connecting than sending lots of separate emails back and forth. Please feel free to post here about how you knew Dariusz, the impact he had on your life, as well as any information you might have about gatherings in his honor over the next couple of weeks. It helps to be together at times like this.
I heard about Dariusz through a friend who had gone to see him for a reading. The first time I saw him I was nervous, thinking what was I doing going to a strange man's apartment in downtown Seattle with very little information about who he was or how safe I would be? I actually told a friend at my workplace where I was going, in case I didn't return... Immediately, Dariusz put me at ease. He was so funny, down to earth, and irreverent. I have seen him so many times over the years--for readings (both alone and with my partner), soul retrievals (mine and others') and classes. He has been impactful with regard to some of the biggest decisions in my life--relationships, work, professional projects, family relationships.
One of my favorite things was when he would laugh at the spirit guides who were talking to him from beside me or over my head--or when he would "shoosh" them, telling them to be quiet until he was done explaining something to me. Also his humor and candidness were completely disarming. I had a good laugh and a good blush during many readings.
Please join me in remembering Dariusz. This is such a huge loss to the community of friends, colleagues, healers, clients, family and chosen family who have had the honor of knowing him.
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