Dariusz, keeper of the Good:What a treasured gift it has been, to study the rudimental code of rightliving and the ethereal practices toward connection with shamanic spirit,opening the gates to journey, in canoe through sparkling waters, staring atwalls until the voice speaks, and holding hands creating sacred circle,animal spirit alongside. You are sorely missed Dariusz, I hoped you'd behere forever, though I know you are, I ache from the loss of your passingfrom this sweet, sorry middle earth. So full of tears, though I hear yousay: "no, don't cry. I am so spectacularly happy and so full of illuminatinglight, beyond my wildest dreams." Thank you Dariusz, for dancing finelessons with humor and fervor and passion. Thank you for soul retrievalhealing, ancestors summoned, youthful parts returned, illness coaxed toleave. You became a... leopard, a growling panther... at first frightenedand then fascinated, you filled my heart with your sacred efforts. Nowtattooed Green Man goes home to green earth. You glow verdant, you shine sobright. I am grateful everyday and blessed in your loving guidance.
xox + aho metakweasan,Dorit