Thursday, February 27, 2025

From Ollie on the new moon

 Hi Dariusz,

I have felt your presence as of late and wanted to send you wishes of love and unity on this new moon. Thank you for the ways that you showed up in my life in the early times of my spiritual growth and exploration. Your teachings have had a long lasting and positive influence on me. 

pokój niech będzie z tobą


Sunday, March 16, 2014

This post arrived today from Scott Binder Always nice to hear from people who loved and whose lives were touched by Dariusz.

It's hard to believe it's been a few years since Dariusz's passing. I know he is still with us, but I miss not being able to connect with him in the physical form. I miss not being able to go to lunch with him when I was back in Seattle for visits. But he is with me, and I feel his presence as strong as ever.

Last night while going on a shamanic journey here in Berlin Dariusz and his cats, Dessert and Fiona visited me on my journey. I was overcome with joy and sadness to see them, and even as I write now my eyes well up with tears. It's nice to feel...what a gift. My black panther was also with us on my journey, and the 4 of them had a message for me. It is time that I stop avoiding a big part of what I am suppose to do on this planet. Before last night, I had it in my mind that I would wait until I'm around 50 to reconvene the work I started doing for people when I was 26. But that's nonsense! The time is now.

I got sober when I was 23 and instantly felt drawn to Shamanism. It's then when I began reading about it and learning from various teachers. I feel so blessed about the knowledge that has been passed down to me over the past 13 plus years. To keep this knowledge to myself is selfish, and I won't do it any longer. At around 26, a Shaman in Minneapolis taught me how to take people on Journey's, and from the moment I conducted one, I felt at home doing this for people. But shortly after I started taking people on journey I decided to stop doing it.

 Last night rekindled my desire to get back into doing this for people, and to explore other ways I can help heal those in need...And so, there is a plan now. I do not know where it will take me, but I do know that I am now ready to be a conduit for this work. I will be back in Seattle in May, so if you would like to go on a journey, I would love to take you on one.

I am all about full self expression, freedom and being in touch with my inner animal. Having fun and being free is what it's all about. During my path, I've worked to uncover my true spirit so that I could be free to be who I truly am. And this is what I would like to pass along to you in our journey. Letting go of restrictions and embracing your power...that's what life is about. Dancing like nobody is watching in everyday life is where the magic happens.

If you are interested, feel free to email me. I haven't worked out the details of the exact dates or the space, but I know it'll be a fun journey.

Thank you Dariusz for continuing to be my teacher from the spirit world. I love you.


Sunday, November 20, 2011

from David Massengill

For Dariusz

Trees stay gold and crimson despite fall’s darkening.
You suddenly return to my thoughts, and heart,
Like light keeping its promise
To enter through every window.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Thank you to Louisa Cock for sharing this beautiful portrait she painted of Dariusz.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

from Scott

I met Dariusz in the spring of 2005 after a friend of mine recommended that I get a reading from him. She said that he was absolutely amazingly and that his reading would blow me away. She was right, of course. Like many of you his reading changed my life forever. Since getting a reading from Dariusz, we ended up building a close friendship that I am forever grateful for. Whenever I told people about Dariusz's work(which was a lot!) I mentioned that if one is open to change, that his work would help them transform their life.

I remember talking to Dariusz a few months before he passed. We were hanging out at his house after grabbing lunch at the diner around the corner from his place(one of his favorite spots). He said something to me that day that made me wonder if he wanted to change the direction of his life. Of course this seemed very strange, because obviously Dariusz was living his life purpose. But when he passed, it all made sense turns out that he did indeed want to change the direction of what he was doing with his work. I took Dariusz's passing not as a death, but more of a rebirth and a powerfull transition into the spirit world, so that he could continue his work inside the spirit world. Now he could hang out and communicate with the spirits, instead of communicating with them from the "outside". Now he was home.

So, it's clear to me that Dariusz is continuing to bring his triple Virgo work to each and everyone of us...He is simply doing this from another space. His passing has profoundly affected thousands of people around the world, and it's clear to me that he left our world a much much better place.

Ever since he left our world, Dariusz has been in my thoughts on a regular basis, but for the past several months it seems like he's been on my mind almost everyday. I think about how he profoundly impacted me as a spiritual teacher, and a friend. I think about his quirky humor, his big heart, his intensity...And yes, his triple Virgo-ness. Lately though my thoughts have led to feelings of sadness that he is no longer with us in the flesh. I keep his business card and a couple of gifts that he gave me over the years in a shrine next to my bed. I know that it was his time to move on, I get it...but that doesn't change the fact that I really really miss him, and wish that he and I could hang out like we use to.

Dariusz, I am forever grateful that you came into my life. I miss you, and appreciate that you are still here for us. Thanks for sharing your beautiful spirit with us.

I love you


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

from Ben

I met Dariusz in 2001 while backpacking across USA on my way to the UK. During my visit to Seattle I felt compelled to walk in to the bookstore, Eco-Elements, and was looking at the Four Agreements book when a slightly built and slightly odd:) Polish man came up and asked if I wanted a reading...I have to say it was the most accurate and also hilarious psychic reading I had ever had. I remember Dariusz laughing and conversing with his guides during the reading, which was extremely comical. I also remember he told me I needed to be getting more sex but it didn't mean selling my arse on the street...I mean what kind of psychic says that...hilarious! During my time in Seattle we hung out and I was also fortunate to get a soul retrieval.

Over the years that I lived in London we kept in touch and I came over to Seattle and visited. Dariusz graciously let me stay in his apartment and he stayed in his friend's river boat (such a kind and loving guy). It always struck me how little time I had actually spent with Dariusz and yet how deep the connection was. Dariusz has come in to my thoughts a few times over the last few years, and I meant to get in touch, always knowing he would be as welcoming and engaging as if little time had passed. So it was a real shock when I discovered today about his passing all that time ago. Dariusz, I feel enriched having known you and wish you all the best on your next adventure!:)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

from Danny

Dariusz, thank you for all the days of good friendship and growth that we shared together. You were one of the best communicators I've ever known always speaking your mind clearly and with much love. Thank you for being you and I'm going to miss you so much. I am so lucky to have spent time with you on endless numbers of days in the early years in Seattle. Sitting and sharing smokes and coffee for hours with you was a highlight for us. It was magical to spend time with you and have a good friend like you to really share life with. Thank you for all of the healing you gave to me and thank you for going too and finding the lost little boy hiding away from the world, he is back and thanks to you living a full life. I love you for that retrieval of my missing soul. I went looking for you about a year ago. I sent you an e-mail and left a voice mail. With no answer I wasn't concerned I just knew that you were busy and we would eventually catch up again. I'l miss you my brother. I'll catch up with you again someday I'm certain of that. Thank you so much for all you gave this earth. When I see limousine I still call out Madonnas name! LOL

Danny Burns